It is our PROUD trip out to the Safari Park this Saturday (5th July )

For the parents of PROUD wanting to go on the trip please email me so I can send you the relevant details about the trip


Many thanks to those who came to the Big Step Forward Funday

We had over 500 people attend the event and we raised £1900, and everyone had a really good time




our next event now is Sujeets concert Please have a look at Sujeets website


We are now running Dance classes

These will be taking place for children with Down’s syndrome and their siblings. Age Reception upwards

Starting Monday 14th April 4.30 – 5.30 at Tynings Lane Church, Tynings Lane, Aldridge

The classes are free of charge for children with Down’s syndrome and their siblings

Please email or ring or text 07951019506 to book your place

Just a reminder it is our quiz tonight at Caulderfields Golf Club, Aldridge ( off the Mellish Road by the Dilke Pub )

Starting prompt at 7.30pm

it is a fun quiz with raffle and auction as we have lots of prizes such as Manu Utd tickets, TV/DVD,. Villa tickets, Bathroom suite, dishwasher to name some of the prizes

It is £5 and includes a buffet

We have a few places left if anyone does want to come and pay on the door